Tag Archives: midterm survey

Midterm survey, classes next week, and April events

Now it’s your turn to evaluate the class. Please take the midterm survey sometime before Friday, April 5. It should take about 10-15 minutes of your time. On Tuesday, April 2 we will finalize our research groups for the last projects of the semester: the outline, annotated bibliography, and podcast. Thursday, April 4 will be devoted to synthesizing group members’ individual questions from the midterms into a single idea and developing the outline.


research group themes

I updated the links post with a link to the NYU Furman Center and its housing research site CoreData.nyc.

Next Wednesday 4/3 there’s an interesting program at the New York Public Library: Mapping Contagion, where researchers will present cartographic and geographic research methods pertaining to public history, medicine, and sociology.  Admission is free and you should register in advance if you want to attend.

On Friday, April 12 the Brooklyn Waterfront Research Center holds its annual conference, Living in Brooklyn: Housing Along the Waterfront. Registration is free and the conference takes place in the Academic Complex on the City Tech campus.