Tag Archives: web 2.0

after thoughts of web 2.0 and 3.0 – Filtered world, but still chaotic

Today’s technologies have provided us with many wonders that we could have not imagined years ago. And internet has become our everyday life. But when we are looking for something we need, sometimes it is really chaotic. With billions pages, … Continue reading

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Blog concerning The Machine is Us/Web2.0/Wikipedia/Web 3.0

In web 2.0 the Digital text is different it’s flexible and easily modifiable and that is why our world is changing so fast. The web is the core of the foundation of communion in the last 2 decades. With out … Continue reading

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Assignment: Radiohead’s ‘Rainbows’: Is Free Release A Potential Pot of Gold?

The band, Radiohead depended the price of their album on the customers’ choice in the Internet.  Someone got it as free and the others payed $10. Because the band left their record label, all the amount of money their album … Continue reading

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