Badke chp 2

Badke does a great job giving us tips on database searching.  All the resolve information at your disposal, more steadfast than your projective cogitation. Where teachers, coaches, guides, and  directions is supplied via a microchip settled in a pair of  eyeglasses.Nowadays we expect technology to be fast and we become frustrated if it isn’t. It can be frustrating when you don’t find what your looking for right away and its our own fault. The information Badke gives us here can help alot with our information and also the future.

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The future of information

i believe that the future of information is going to keep evolveing into new and bigger things. i believe there is no limit to what information can bring us and also where it can lead us. due to the fact that everyone is envolved with the intrenet there are some benefits and also negatives.  one postive about the internet is that there is so much information that people can get easily without going through stress. its right there in front of them. a negative is that the privacy is really being allowed by these compaines who want to wacth over what you do over the internet.

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Media: Radiohead’s ‘Rainbows’

According to Malitz, Radiohead has been trying a new method of making money from their music. Radio new business method has cut out the record companies and those who want to pirate music.  They have offered their new CD “In the Rainbows” on iTunes as a free download. Some can give as much as they want like a contribution for their music. They are making more money this way then from music companies. I feel like record companies are not evolving quickly enough in the digital age. According to Elton “Love for Labels” the music companies need to have better public relations. They need to represent their clients better in conferences etc. Music companies must show their value in the digital age.  I feel there is some hope for music companies. They have to come up with more innovated ways of showing that they are still needed. Lately they have been poorly represented. This must change because artist like Radiohead are getting very savvy about to make money.

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Process Documentation: How to draw an apple-Illustration Technique

I went on you tube and saw a video of how to draw an apple using both marker and colored pencils.  The author of this process documentation just listed two steps for the process documentation. I feel like it should have three main steps instead of two. The first step should be to take a second and look at the colors in the apple. He observes that there are shades of yellow,orange,green on the top layer of the apple. In the middle layer of the apple there is an orange and brownish purple in the shadow to the left.  The second step is to draw the apple with markers and use the appropriate colors. He observers were the dark and light colors should be on the apple. He uses marker in his first layer of drawing the apple and shading it.  The third step is to start using colored pencils to fill in the next layer of colors. Colored pencil come in a variety of shades so it is better to get the right colors and technique. He builds on layers of colored pencil and with each layer he blends it so one doesn’t see the pencil strokes. He explains how he uses a cross hatching effect as he fills in the apple to get a more realistic effect on his apple.

I feel that this process documentation could have been broken down a little more. It could have been more step by step. He could have stated some of the problems using marker or colored pencil when drawing in apple or any other object. He should have stated any challenges he has as an artist. He could have also added some alternatives to magic marker or colored pencils. Overall, I think this was a simple process documentation which any one can use to draw.



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Isserman’s Plagiarism: a Lie of the Mind

Isserman’s believes that plagiarism is using someones published words as your own words.  He mentions how we all use some reference in our speech and writing which are not our original words and don’t cite them. For example some phases become cliches’s but is not considered a form of plagiarism. Isserman believes that we should strive to avoid plagiarism as much as possible.

I feel that plagiarism should be avoided as much as possible. I don’t believe it is a “lie of the mind”. To a certain degree it is a lie but I feel it is laziness of the mind. Some don’t make the effort of writing their own words. I feel that there are some phrases that are not avoidable. Isserman mentions no one can truly be original in the writing. I feel that we are human and we can’t avoid certain forms of plagiarism. Isserman mentions the former president of Hamilton College and how he plagiarized most of his speeches. Isserman believes all the effort and hard work that the former president of Hamilton College will possibly outweigh is resignation because of plagiarism.  I feel this true but it will take years some before anyone can  give him recognition for his work at the college.

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CQ Researcher Online Privacy

Our information is not being protected by the FTC or the Federal Trade Commission. The government needs to pressure the FTC to protect privacy.  There is too much fraud and in order for ad business to grow consumers need to be confident that there information is protected. Restricted information to certain parties can create a sense of privacy to consumers.

Some businesses need our information so certain services remain free for consumers. There should be strict guidelines directed by government to who and how a business obtains personal information. I don’t feel strict guidelines will hurt business. The new Red Flag law made certain industries liable for consumer privacy. Information should not float freely. Certain measures need to taken to make certain that information is protected. Consumers need to be responsible for their own privacy to a certain extent. The government and the FTC should take better initiative to protect privacy.

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Badke chapter 5 Library Catalogs

In this chapter, Badke is telling us ways that would be helpful to find the resources we need in a library without going through hard time. Those resources could be journals or books. Finding a book or journal in a library could be a daunting task especially when one doesn’t use the the right keyword because its articles or books are classify into a metadata record. According to Badke “Metadata is a record that includes the following: authors, tittle, publisher information, description, subject heading and call number”. This the reason why it is always important for one to put in the right keywords.

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Badke is telling us how to organize our resources while writing a paper. After reading this chapter I kind of connect it to myself because I have experienced almost everything he says. He said that when doing a research most student just keep taking notes and writing it on paper, cards or maybe highlighting and ECT….Most people will say this is a good tactics. However, the problem is that sometimes we lose the notes and can’t find them again. As a result, Badke is mentioning that we have to keep track of every single notes. For example, write down authors, tittle of book or article, publisher and also page number in case we want to back to them. To conclude, organize resources will help one to write an outstanding research paper.

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evaluation of sources in any format

Well they were two different reading for this week and basically both of these authors are trying to state the same point. The point they are making is to educate us the technique that we should apply when evaluating a web page. The Internet is a excellent place to do research and find solution to problems. However, we have to be very careful not to obtain the wrong solution because nowadays anyone could be a expert on they own. According to Evaluation Web Pages by Berkeley “There is a famous Steiner cartoon published in the New Yorker (July 5, 1993) with two dogs sitting before a terminal looking at a computer screen; one says to the other “On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a dog.” This is the reason why one has to be extra careful when searching the Net. These reading talks about how the URL such as .com, .gov, .org and ECT..can say a lot about a site. Second is to check who verify the authors credentials such as what degree they have. Third is to check the date of publication and finally check the other sites that are link to the site.

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The future of information

We have seen a tremendous change about information in the last couple of years. These changes include the way information is stored, access and also utilize. There is no doubt that these changing is due to the advancing of technology. I believe in the future information would be more easily accessible because the Internet has made everything easy for us. Nowadays we are gaining access to some document that were never meant for the public; therefore, I believe such documents should never be store by computers. In addition, there are people out in this world that are working 24/7 to get access to some document. I believe that in the future the goverment will not be able to hide everything from the public and that could cause a chaos.


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