Future of Information

The future to me seems to have many aspects of technology in it. I would imagine computers and tablets with holographic projections. Storage of devices would go from GB (gigabytes) to TB (terabytes) increasing the amount of information stored. I will not say libraries would be dead due to the fact that many people still enjoy books but the popularity of digital media will increase. As for web searches i would like to see projections of multiple sites at once so that your not hassled by the task of opening just one search engine.Hopefully a incorporation of a new system of content organizing for search engines. Although it may seem high tech there are other aspect i wish to see improved. Such as privacy in which we are able to see who is seeing what we are doing and for what cause. Also the availability of information must be accessible to all people not to a certain commmunity or group. However for such things to happen i highly doubt it going to happen once its up. As time develops one hopes that these things will come to a reality.


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Badke, Chapter 10

Chapter 10: Tips on Research Writing. Most importantly is getting the research question and outline straight because without these two the research paper will just be completely unorganized and will make no sense what so ever. Gathering information which means having resources is difficult because one would want to use the most helpful and understanding information they have. A major problem I have, that is discussed in this chapter is having an outline. Outlines at first, thought were useless and no point in having them, but after reading this chapter it did make me change my mind. Not only are outlines helpful but they also make it easier to write the research paper. Without an outline it takes me forever to even start to write a paper, so in the end having an outline does make a difference. Not just because one has an outline means that the research paper is going to be good but the outline itself must contains useful information. As explained the first step would be the research question which I must say is more difficult then writing the outline because the research question is the main reason on why one is writing a paper. I really liked how Chapter 10 was broken down and it was really useful in reading and guiding to show how to write a research paper.

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How Search Engines Works Liebman

As i read this article I had a better understanding of how search engines work. When your just a regular search engine user you really do not know how your searches end up that way. As i saw in the article i was not aware of the ranking system that search engines like google and bing had. Now looking deeper into the matter as it says in the article most ranking is taken by the amount of traffic that those pages have. Seeing it this way I am not sure that popularity is always a good thing. What if there is a page where information much more informative then those pages ranking on the top?Although this is a question that could raise awareness to such issues the ranking system seems to work but it does have its flaws.

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Plagiarism Isserman

As i read this article i had a better understanding of the effect plagiarism has. How plagiarism is not only used by students but also by people like Eugene Tobin. Although he did do the right thing and resign while admitting plagiarism it did effect others in the process. It began questioning the point in which one decides what is plagiarism. Is there actually a point to where it is not plagiarism. This article reminds me of a time in high school when i had to do a research paper. When it was time to receive our papers back and their grades i was surprised to see that some students received F’s due to the fact that there papers were plagiarized. At that point i saw how serious people would get when someone just copy and pastes from web articles.

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Online Privacy Marshall

As I read this article i was interested to know how our privacy is being used by other people. I did not know that when i search the web there are advertisers who take advantage of my information to direct me to their products. Also thinking about it now it would look bad on a job interview if i had pictures that could lower the chance of my getting a job.I remember one day I saw in the news that a girl was murdered in her home over the weekend.As the report kept going it was said that a stalker looked her up on Facebook and found a address and went to her house and killed her. As i saw that and this article i would say sometimes when online privacy fails it has deadly consequences


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Wikipedia Baker

As I read this article I looked at wikipedia in a different from then I normally do. I would have never though of it as a game. I pictured it as a place where you can get information that you did not know about. As i kept reading the article I did not know that editors had to keep updating there entries so that the information is kept safe rather then replaced by nonsense. To be honest I usually use wikipedia as a source of information on topics in which Im interested in. mostly Its character bios from comics or games and episode guides for shows that i am interested in. As I look at such entries know i could not imagine how lost i would be if half of those things were replaced by false entries. It amazes me that there are people who had to keep reverting such pages so that the information stays constant.

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Love for Labels

As I read this article I gained a understanding of music labels in the music industry. As the article points out music labels are supposedly in trouble. The supposed middle man is being cut out of the picture as the digital era is upon us. Due to such problems many people who depend on such work in the music industry are not gaining income of any sort. As time passes people would rather not spend money on music that they can get for free. As people start thinking this way albums are being bought less and less and it has become a problem with record labels. As this is happening artists are seeing that they really dont need a record company they can do it on their own. When i was in high school i would realize that most of my classmates would listen to music on a daily basis. At that point i was wondering if they were actually purchasing these songs or just downloading them. It was not surprising that they were not. I could see that due to this artists and labels are not making the money that they wanted to make by selling their albums.

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Badke Chapter One

While reading this chapter I had a better understanding of the evolution of knowledge. From oral representation of gaining knowledge to the knowledge taken from the internet. As i kept reading through this article i saw as the eras changed to the internet there were fewer gate keepers in the internet era to tell us whats right from wrong.this was interesting to me because I noticed that when I browse through the internet I see that most of these “informative pages” are actually opinions or rather a piece of what you really need. As i kept reading the chapter I was interested in the e books section. My opinion on  e books is that as technology increases so does our ability to change how we use to live. One way this was done is converting pieces of literature into digitally literature. Earlier in March I went to church and as the mass was going on i noticed the father using a i Pad to read the reading for that days mass. It mind boggled me to see that due to the fact that i would always see them read through the books. Although books are being replaced by e-books I began think if we are actually moving on from our traditional ways? Instead of teachers reading children books are they going to use e-books? Will pastors in churches convert from books to digital technology? As I look upon this all i can think of is what will happen next.

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Example of Process Documentation

The example that I found of a process documentation was a video that is based on documenting a crime scene. It shows the procedure of the general procedure of examining a crime scene. How first, they must isolate it and secure it before they do anything else because that way everything stays in place making sure that no one tries to destroy any evidence. They also put tape around the scene so that it shows to the public that the crime scene is isolated and secure. In order to document the crime scene pictures are taking, note-taking is being done as well and also sketching because the documentation is brought to court later on. I really did like the way the documentation was put because not only was it a video but below the video they had it actually written down. So if you didn’t catch something you can always read it. Another thing that I enjoyed about it was the it was really organized and it was simply to understand; also having different sections of documenting a crime scene.

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Read:Write: Digital Possibilities for literature

The article read:write Digital possibilities for literature was based on if:book; whom was created by ACE (literature department of Arts Council England). Basically the purpose of why it was created, was that it would gather information of how “companies, organizations and individuals are using web 2.0” to market things (poetry, fiction, etc). It shows how things rapidly changed since literature organizations have set up websites. Web 2.0 has made a difference especially since the internet is part of everyday life routine to mostly everyone. One thing that really got to me and which I find is so true because now we can basically publish anything at no cost, more voices are being heard but that doesn’t mean it is a good thing. At the end of the day people make a difference because everyone has something to say but economically or “financial living” isn’t such a good thing; which in my opinion makes a difference in peoples lives. In conclusion the result of the ACE is to support community focused organizations whom want to increase access to the arts, which can be a good and bad thing at the same time.

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