Research Journal Blog

Doing a research paper was the hardest paper i had to do in this school. it requried alot of reading and studying to know your topic and to know alot about what you are writing on. overall i had a good time doing this research paper in find MLA style format and also finding work cited sources. even though i went through alot of stress doing this paper i feel like it would help in the future and i will be better prepared.

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Research Journal Blog

Doing research for my research paper was the most un-liking thing I had to do. I really don’t like researching information because it takes up time and mostly if the information has to be scholarly. Like it really isn’t easy at all because one must analyze the information and the web site they got it from. Research takes up time but although in the end I did learn some things it is an experience that I know will benefit me in the future. I learned a lot from this research paper especially how to use my information and what kind of information I should use.

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Common Craft Social Media

Web 2.0 has created a whole new generation of how to market business.  Web 2.0 is used to share information with others. People can leave comments about products and create blogs. Our opinion matters to so many companies. Many companies benefit from web 2.0 because it brings them more attention to their products. Companies can get free advertisement from posted comments. Companies can also improve their products. There is also a negative outcome to sharing a comments with others. One person or group might not like a business for their own bias reasons and hurt a business.  Even if one improves their business this information is still on the web forever and other might still not want to buy a product form that company.

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Common Craft blogs and wikis videos

I found the wikis video to be very informative.  Wikis was created to organize group thoughts and ideas. Email was not an efficient way of coordinating a groups ideas.  The edit and save button on wikis helps cut down the endless emails and clutter. Wikis is more structured and organized. If one wants to organize events it is easy to create wikis.

Harrington and Meade comment how the new web culture might create a negative effect on literature. Technology is expensive and within a year most technology is free. Harrington and Meade state the quality of literature might suffer because of the demand cost of new technology. I feel that technology is essential however publishing companies must come up with a way to limit spending on costly new technology. I feel with the advancement of technology the less publishing companies need many employees working for them.  Maybe that might be a way to limit the expense of technology.


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The future in the information age

Ricardo Guzman

Dr. Beilin Ian

Research & Documentation for the Information Age

20 of May 2012

The future in the information age


 The future in the information age and technology has more question than ever before. You have two kinds of users. One group loves technology and others that hates technology. But no matter which side you are on the information age is out of the bottle. And we can either embrace it or not. I want to quote what Bill Gates Stated in a 98 Stanford news release.

“We are really just at the beginning of the information age. The thing that is going to separate the successful organizations from unsuccessful ones will be the way that they deal with information: the way that they make decisions, the way they use the tools of the information age to help them design products, communicate with customers and do all the things that are crucial in a business of any kind.”

 Information is very important to the tech world and businesses around the world that depend on information and technology which delivers the information. There are many organizations that are reevaluating how they conduct themselves in accordance with the cutting-edge technology, they are restructuring their businesses and departments in accordance to how information is collected and distributed. Only the organizations that are design to change quickly, without being chained to yesterday’s attitude will endure. 

I recently went to the movies with my nephew, and we watched Avengers. Through my observation in the 3-D theater, I notice that the arts of theater and technology reflected the human psyche way into the vast future. That is that the audience celebrated when evil was defeated, I am blessed for living in a world where virtue is given a standing ovation. The future is bright for us in the wisdom of history, because we have the information towards

Finally I feel that information and technology is ultimately how the end user uses that source. Technology and Information is a weapon that may be used for good or can be used for evil. Humanity will prevail, because movies and the arts reflect what we really want deep down inside.  So enjoy and  saver the movement, of moving forward enjoy the future.

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Research Journal 5

As spring break was ending i started working on my Research Paper Draft. Looking through the sources i saw that i had a good amount of information to work with.Also looking at the outline made it easier for me to know what goes where As i sat there writing in my computer i kept seeing that my argument is becoming one sided. It seemed that the information I mostly had for the positive aspect was being overpowered by the negative aspect. To make it more even i added one more pro social media source. In the end i saw that the draft could use more work but it made its points here and there to my perspective.

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Research Journal 4

As Spring break was approaching so was the due date to my outline. Looking at the information i picked up I began to think of a way to incorporate it into a outline. Thanks to that class i took in highschool making a outline was not as difficult as i imagined. The most difficult part was deciding where the information went. Towards the end i had to look back at some of the readings for my bibiography and my outline.Although it was finished it could have had room for improvement.

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Research Journal 3

The annotated bibliography was almost due so i had to research on some sources i could use on the topic. I was not surprised to see that social media and social skills had more sources then the copyright topic did. Looking upon the sources I found many articles on the matter of social skills and  the effect social media had on it. Most posts were of concerned parents and professors. However for a research paper you cannot be one sides theres two sides to every problem. After seeing so many negative articles i was happy to see articles about people who have disabilites saying that social media and technology had a positive affect on them. Looking into it more it seemed it was not a one sided battle anymore.

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Research Journal 2

As time for topic proposals approached I saw that i was not getting far with the topic of copyright. At this point i saw that the information i was getting for this topic was not as much as i hoped. As i began to think i knew that i was wasting time on this topic so then i began to think of another one. Then I asked the proffesor if i could change my topic of social skills and the effect that social media and technology has on it. Thinking about it there should have been more information on that.

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Research Journal 1

Thinking of a Topic for my research paper was actually hard for me due to the fact that i did not enjoy doing research papers. However it was mandatory so it had to be done for the class grade. As i was thinking of topics one of the topics i was intrigued by was copyright. The thing that got me interested in this was that video about fair use using disney movies. Now the only problem was narrowing it down to one question on that matter.

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