Dilemmas by Christine Rohinson

i really found this article very intresting when i was reading it. The concept of what is documentation is explained in this article.this article  was more in depth about documentation and how it is used. The author talks about what is documentation, the positive and negative aspect of documentation. according to the article documentation preserves knowledge, communicates expectation and requirements.This process is important because of the fact that process preserves knowledge, communicates expectation and requirements, and it is considered a good performance tool. Personally I agree with the authors statement that this process is extremely important and needed in our society.

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Write it down

After reading the article I came about the concept that documentation is a way of organization. the author was an network administrator that never used to write things down. He used to repeat procedure he done before from his memory when an old problem comes back around. . After he became a Professor in hardware and network courses, he started to to require his students to write journal about their project. he thought that this tactics would help his students understand the information more but also to improve their written skills. the documentation process is a guide that will contain specific steps of operation. Guides are self expletory and this is the idea that the documentation process is based upon.

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Articles on Process Documentation

Well both of these articles are trying to state the importance of process documentation.  In the first article “write it down” the author was an network administrator that never used to write things down. He used to repeat procedure he done before from his memory when an old problem comes back around. As time went by, he decided to start writing procedures down because he didn’t want to make the same mistake in the same problem. After he became a Professor in hardware and network courses, he started to to require his students to write journal about their project. he thought that this tactics would help his students understand the information more but also to improve their written skills. on the other hand, the second article “Documentation Dilemmas” by Christine Robinson was more in depth about documentation. The author talks about what is documentation, the positive and negative aspect of documentation. according to the article documentation preserves knowledge, communicates expectation and requirements, and it is an empowerment tool. Each one of these example play a significant role because without them most organization wouldn’t survive.

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Blog Post: Documentation Dilemmas by Christine Rohinson

The concept of what is documentation is explained in this article. Questions such as what is this process were answered in the original article but I will show the ideas of this article once more in my response. According to Christine Rohinson documentation is and I quote “a writing that contains information and is linked to the concept of furnishing evidence”.  To document information is a necessary task that is needed and requested by all organized and responsible corporations in the 20th and 21st centuries. This process is important because of the fact that process preserves knowledge, communicates expectation and requirements, and it is considered a good performance tool. I concluded that other main points need to be explained in this argument that related to the art of documenting. In its core belief raises the ideology that expectations set strict guidelines and rules in which confusion and misunderstanding can’t occur or blamed on as an escape goat when. People wont be able to say I didn’t understand you, because now a day all the information and guideline are written and typed on a piece of paper part of the documentation process .Personally I agree with the authors statement that this process is extremely important and needed in our society. Without documentation the entire world won’t be able to function and to file informational data that we do daily. This will happen because the core foundation of information will be missing.

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Blog post: WRITE IT DOWN! The Importance of Documentation

I have read this article 3 times already. The fascinating fact about it, is that every time that I read this article I received a new prospective of what is the importance of documentation. After reading the article I came about the concept that documentation is a way of organization. This statement means that with out strict documentation the organization will have a very high probability to disassemble from organized to a non organized act of complying data. In addition the act of documentation is n need in order to teach the future employees of any industry how to learn and adopt certain set of skills that is not available to be taught in a verbal format. As in the famous example that I have motioned in class, a good example of the documentation process is a guide that will contain specific steps of operation. Guides are self expletory and this is the idea that the documentation process is based upon, the free access of information that is self explanatory and that is legally abiding to the companies polices.

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Process Documentation

The example of process documentation that I saw was a youtube video of artist Ron Ridgeway creating an art piece called “Accidental Deliberation” It is a piece made of the wheel imprint of a tractor  on dirt. It starts with him in the tractor leaving the imprint on the dirt, and the rest of the video is him working on the  piece in a room mostly by himself. You see all the supplies and different stages the art piece goes through. Finally you see him presenting the piece to small crowd. The video is almost 7 minutes, I think it shouldv’e been shorter it gets a bit boring.

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Important article from the Guardian

You should all check out this article from today’s Guardian newspaper. It’s about the current threats to internet freedom, as seen by Sergey Brin, one of the co-founders of Google. The article touches on many of the points we have been discussing this semester, as well as several of the topics that you are writing about in your papers


Prof. Beilin

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Beware of the simple trap

The online privacy is a major issue now days. The E-commerce scored $145 billion in 2009 according to the U.S. Commerce Department. The reason behind any crime is always for the money. Many people do take profit from identity theft, and credit card theft. One thing we should really becareful with is those online advertisment. The simple trick is that it always give you something small, like coupons. But, you have to register to get it, this trick seems always working. You give your personal information to the website, and the website give you a coupon for your information. But, this is where the problem come from. Do we really know why they need our information? Do we know what they do with our information? I think the answer is definite NO. We should really take notice to these small details, because it can grow into big trouble which we don’t want in our life.

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Reading Response Blog Post- process documentation example

My process documentation example is related to the answer that I have formulated cornering the question that I have created to encapsulate my path to the reseach project that we were assigned. My reseach question was how to secure our medical information in mobile health-care communication systems? The answer that I found to this question after hours of research is that through the use of PACS medical information in mobile and grounded health care communication system, will be safe and out of breach and harm. On that note, my process documentation example is related to PACS and the idea of the Development of policies and procedures for a picture archiving and communication system (PACS).The example I choose is a guide for the radiology system administrator and his employees. The guide will help the staff that will deal with this program to understand the steps of usage and installation. The guide holds many steps of basic user knowledge and advanced user knowledge. The idea of step by step guide and instructions are shown over here. This is part of the criteria that created the definition of what is the process documentation. The company that created this document is trying to make employees feel comfortable and attain full access to a written self explanatory document that will resolve, tutor and help with any issues relating to PACS.The document that I have chosen named PACS Policy Manual for hospitals, portrays Policies and procedures that constitute the mechanism for planning, standardizing, and documenting the provision of clinical services. Successful Policies and procedures development is a team effort that will be supported and created by personnel responsible for executing the procedure, assisted by staff proficient in PACS technology, and tested in the field.

My article reviews material concerning main questions and problems that employees face with in their daily jobs. PACS security is discussed in this article. Some questions that are answered in this guide were related to the following: What are the provisions for access control? Does the system include a feature for automatic shut-off of the software? Are there passwords and log-ins shared by a community of users? How are passwords assigned and how frequently are they changed? What security measures are in place to assure passwords are given to the appropriate user? Who grants and denies access?

 Analyzing this document I think the document has the correct focus concerning my reseach project. It is related to common day to day problems that employees and radiology system administrators need to face with. The guide provides a calming relaxing solution to all these questions that are running in the head of any employee. I support the guide and I am extremely happy to find such a guide on Google Scholar.



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Reading Response Blog Post

In chapter 9 of the Badke book named Research strategies (third edition) the idea of organizing your resources to write your paper is extended to the reader. When I was reading the assigned chapter I liked the concept of having a varied and well thought out bibliography that will encapsulate all the sources you hold. On top of all I want to speak about the two styles in which we are allowed to write a reseach project. There is the MLA and the APA styles. The MLA stands for Modern Language Association and the APA stands for American Psychological Association.

*In the MLA style of formatting quick guide line include the following:

  • Paper needs to be 8.5 x 11-inch paper.
  • Double-space the text of your paper, Times New Roman; font size should be 12 pt.
  • Only one space after periods and punctuation marks.
  • Set the margins of your document to 1 inch on all sides.
  • Indent the first line of paragraphs one half-inch from the left margin. Create a header.
  • Use italics throughout your essay for the titles of longer works.


*In the APA style of formatting quick guide line include the following:

  • Double-spaced
  • Paper (8.5″ x 11″) with 1″ margins on all sides.
  • Using 12 pt, and Times New Roman font.
  • Include a page header (also known as the running head) at the top of every page
  • Running head is a shortened version of your paper’s title and cannot exceed 50 characters

I personally prefer the APA style because it makes more sense to me. The structure is more formal than the MLA. I enjoy working with the APA style and I can’t start working on my reseach project.



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