Category Archives: Uncategorized

Common Craft Blogs and Wikis Videos

Common Craft Blog was an interesting video to watch. I really liked how it compared and contrast the 20th and 21st century. How in the 20th century the news was produced professional and had reporters while it was general and … Continue reading

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The Future of Information

I expect the information will be free, but managing information will cost a lot of money in near future.  Today’s improvements of internet gives us a lot of free information, for example,  many educational site provides free information about the … Continue reading

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How search engine works

I found Liddy article “How a search engine works” a useful tool for searching on the internet and intranet. This article and Badke chapter 3 helped me search for my research topic. I used quotation to define a term so … Continue reading

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Future of information

I think in the future more and more information will be liberated from many controled sources. But the more we have, the harder to control all that information. Our environment is highly influence by all those information. Knowledge is power, … Continue reading

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Badke chapter 5:Library Catalogs and Journal Database

Looking through seas of information to find what we really need can be extremely tiring. But, from the chapter 5 of research strategies, it made research much easier and understandable. By finding the right catalog, the research can be narrowed … Continue reading

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Badke Ch 5: Library of congress

In this chapter, Badke introduces us to the library of congress and explains to us how Meta data is used and controlled to properly document every piece of work that is stored by libraries in the US. He tells us … Continue reading

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Research Blog Post 5

As I suspected when writing my outline I had issues cutting away a lot of what I had written for my draft. There was so many arguments made for both sides that it would seem like a disservice to either side to cut … Continue reading

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Research Blog Post 4

When writing my outline I found that there was so much information available to me about my topic that it seems to me that I will actually need to hold back when it comes to writing my paper. I used … Continue reading

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Research Blog Post 3

As I was writing my annotated bibliography I found myself having an issue not rambling on too much about what the article was about. I also found myself going to the OWL Purdue website alot to make sure i had … Continue reading

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Research Blog Post 2

So now that I have my research topic I see that there is not much I can find to help me out with my assignment. I implemented the tools I have learned in class and the ones i learned from … Continue reading

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