Category Archives: Uncategorized

Process Documentation example

I find myself replacing broken screens and digitizers for phones and tablets quite often. I have become rather proficient at it, but the first couple of times I was asked to change one I had no clue what I was … Continue reading

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Reading response of Edge and Robinson

Its true that documentation is all around us and most of the time we use documentation without ever being aware of that we are. Edges’ article made me realize that documentation can be used as a powerful tool for learning. … Continue reading

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Process Documentation

The example of process documentation that I saw was a youtube video of a Chef Named Gordon Ramsay who is popularly know as a 4 star chef and has his own T.V show. the Video is called “Gordon Ramsay Cooking Lesson” … Continue reading

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reading response of Edge and Robinson

All organizations need documenations, because it is a very necessary process for the organizations to keep their resources. And it is a very effective to way to improve working standard and efficiency. According to Irene E. Edge, by requiring the students … Continue reading

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Process documentation example

Process documentation is the recording or writing down the steps of a process. One example is the chemical experiment procedure and report. In a chemical experiment,the purpose of the experiment has to be defined first, then the experiment is carried … Continue reading

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Notes for 4/30 – PLEASE READ!

Hello class! Be sure to read and print out before class on Monday the assignments for the online documentation project and class presentation (in the assignments tab). Also, most of you still need to post comments on last week’s readings, … Continue reading

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Media and Production

The article Critical Thinking, Deviant Knowledge and The Alternative Press by Eland, and the two articles on zines give good insight on why these alternatives are a great source of information. Zines and the sources given by Eland are organizations … Continue reading

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Edge and Robinson on Documentation

I did not really consider the importance of documentation until I read these articles. Edge stated that without documentation the next person taking her job position would have great trouble knowing how things work. This sunk in my head an … Continue reading

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I agree with Yaoling Zhu concerning the statement that the copyright laws are stopping us as evolving humans to create new and updated ideas and versions of the original date.I also believe that copyrights need to be shortened so that … Continue reading

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Isserman reading

i believe that if people help and serve as a guide to help with people works are not apart of plagerism. The reason why education establishment are so strict with policy is because they want you to develop the adequate … Continue reading

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