Category Archives: Uncategorized

Cornell’s Scan Article

In Reading Cornell’s Article I learn How I Can Evaluate Physical Information From A Book Or An Article Before Having A Physical Item In Actual Site. Also Cornell’s Article Talks About Credentials Of An Author How To Create A Date … Continue reading

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Library & Congress Classification..

Sometimes There Are Misunderstandings And Mis-Comprehensions In Life. Not Every Book That You Are Looking For Is Going To Give You The Results Or Information  That You Need Or The Information That You Are Looking For. In The Story “Library … Continue reading

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Great Web Search Strategies

In Watching The Video Clip About “Web Search Strategies” It Explains How Web Searching Helps Receive Information That You Need. It Also Corrects Mispelled Words During A Search And Sends You The Link Or Website That You Would Like To … Continue reading

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Que Viva United Staes

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Process Documentation

I found informational video about social networking site. It explains the fact of social networking sites, and how they treat the user’s death. This video not only tell us the history of social networking sites, but also teach how to … Continue reading

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Process Documentation

The process documentation example i had was about the six day process of making a south park episode.This example shows the steps it took to make a episode of south park from the storyboard to the time it aired. Six … Continue reading

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Why people love to fly

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Example of Process Documentaion

The example of process documentation that I have come across is called How to Planche Tutorial Training Tuck Pushup Progression,, it is an extremely detailed step by step documentation process showing on his man achieved what seems to be … Continue reading

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process documentation

the process documentation i found was about revit bim software. i installed the program in my computer and do not know much about it, i saw a video in how to start using the program and drawing in it.

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write it down(response)

a very particular example it is that I’m taking a drawing class of my major and we are learning a new program for the course. the professor instead of spending time in the lab class time he ought to for … Continue reading

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