Author Archives: yanira

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Research Journal Blog

Doing research for my research paper was the most un-liking thing I had to do. I really don’t like researching information because it takes up time and mostly if the information has to be scholarly. Like it really isn’t easy … Continue reading

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Web 2.0 (Wikipedia)

Web 2.0, interesting name to have for a site. It allows users to share and interact with one another. Many people use it for blogging, tagging, podcasting and etc. One of the sections that I think is important to read … Continue reading

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Online Privacy

Online privacy plays an important role in society especially because it plays a daily routine in everybody’s life. This actually reminds me when I was doing research for my research paper which was the topic of Facebook privacy. They’re helpful … Continue reading

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Badke, Chapter 4

Metadata and the power of controlled vocabularies deals with the metadata; showing how to search.  How using quotation marks help in order to search for a phrase, and wants us to understand why some searches succeed while other fail. I … Continue reading

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Common Craft web search strategies video

I must say whenever I have another research paper to do, I know I would want to see this video again in order to help me out, in searching for resources or information. This video went straight to the point; … Continue reading

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Badke, Chapter 5

Library Catalogs and Journal Databases is a chapter that will be helpful to everyone, especially when using the library. Library catalogs organize and make it easier for people to search for books. When searching for a library catalog you are … Continue reading

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Critically analyzing information sources (Cornell)

Analyzing information isn’t really easy, but I guess maybe it is. As cornell explains and shows us how to analyze information to determine whether or not it is a usefulness source to have in one’s paper. Basically what they say … Continue reading

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Badke, Chapter 10

Chapter 10: Tips on Research Writing. Most importantly is getting the research question and outline straight because without these two the research paper will just be completely unorganized and will make no sense what so ever. Gathering information which means … Continue reading

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Example of Process Documentation

The example that I found of a process documentation was a video that is based on documenting a crime scene. It shows the procedure of the general procedure of examining a crime scene. How first, they must isolate it and … Continue reading

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