Author Archives: Kevin Bayolima

Research Journal 5

As spring break was ending i started working on my Research Paper Draft. Looking through the sources i saw that i had a good amount of information to work with.Also looking at the outline made it easier for me to … Continue reading

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Research Journal 4

As Spring break was approaching so was the due date to my outline. Looking at the information i picked up I began to think of a way to incorporate it into a outline. Thanks to that class i took in … Continue reading

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Research Journal 3

The annotated bibliography was almost due so i had to research on some sources i could use on the topic. I was not surprised to see that social media and social skills had more sources then the copyright topic did. … Continue reading

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Research Journal 2

As time for topic proposals approached I saw that i was not getting far with the topic of copyright. At this point i saw that the information i was getting for this topic was not as much as i hoped. … Continue reading

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Research Journal 1

Thinking of a Topic for my research paper was actually hard for me due to the fact that i did not enjoy doing research papers. However it was mandatory so it had to be done for the class grade. As … Continue reading

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Future of Information

The future to me seems to have many aspects of technology in it. I would imagine computers and tablets with holographic projections. Storage of devices would go from GB (gigabytes) to TB (terabytes) increasing the amount of information stored. I … Continue reading

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How Search Engines Works Liebman

As i read this article I had a better understanding of how search engines work. When your just a regular search engine user you really do not know how your searches end up that way. As i saw in the … Continue reading

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Plagiarism Isserman

As i read this article i had a better understanding of the effect plagiarism has. How plagiarism is not only used by students but also by people like Eugene Tobin. Although he did do the right thing and resign while … Continue reading

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Online Privacy Marshall

As I read this article i was interested to know how our privacy is being used by other people. I did not know that when i search the web there are advertisers who take advantage of my information to direct … Continue reading

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Wikipedia Baker

As I read this article I looked at wikipedia in a different from then I normally do. I would have never though of it as a game. I pictured it as a place where you can get information that you … Continue reading

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