Author Archives: Judith

process documentation

the process documentation i found was about revit bim software. i installed the program in my computer and do not know much about it, i saw a video in how to start using the program and drawing in it.

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write it down(response)

a very particular example it is that I’m taking a drawing class of my major and we are learning a new program for the course. the professor instead of spending time in the lab class time he ought to for … Continue reading

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Isserman reading

It is completely true that plagiarism do not help us to develop our skill to wright we our real thoughts or words. nowadays is really difficult for some college students, politicians, college directors not to plagiarize with all the internet … Continue reading

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Response to marshall

I consider the information given was really helpful. I read some interesting topics that i did not know about our privacy when we navigate the Internet. but the one I consider the most worrying is the financial one. They say that … Continue reading

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