Badke Ch.9

In Chapter 9 of Research Strategies, Organizing Your Resources to Write your Paper, the author, William Badke suggests to make our own index to organize the information source to write better research paper. At first, to get the material, asking the librarian or professor is the fastest way to get useful source after the students decided the main theme of his or her writing. Then, making index helps us to manage various sources by taking a note. Because of this process, creating bibliography will be easier. I totally agree with his idea. Librarian and professor knows how to use the library efficiently. Because there are too much information in the library or internet to look up specific information source, it was really helpful for me that the professor tells us about how to find the scholarly sources in the class. Also, William Badke’s suggestion which is taking a note worked well to me in the process of creating research paper. Even though I got information source, it was difficult to handle of all of them without notes. To use each source efficiently, I needed my summary and comment of the resource. Thus, I conclude the Chapter 9 of his book was really good to organize the information to write a good research paper.

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