Common Craft Blogs and Wikis Videos

Common Craft Blog was an interesting video to watch. I really liked how it compared and contrast the 20th and 21st century. How in the 20th century the news was produced professional and had reporters while it was general and limited. In the 21st century it was professional and personal (having opinions) and basically anyone can be a reporter and publisher which is done often for free. I even agree with this, as time goes on, many things start to change, including the way we get our news from. The very most interesting thing about a blog is that blogs give everyone an audience for their own version of news. Now a days news is everything; including my own life, for those who would want to know about my life. The difference from actual news is that blogs are individual stories even if sometimes it only reaches out to a small number of audience but sometimes people want to hear what others have to say, almost like a Facebook status.

Wikis video, I must say would be a helpful tool to use in the future. It is amazing how everything can be so organized and coordinated by using wiki. I find the video to be so true because emails is not the best way to communicate with people especially to organize a trip or just anything. It looks like it makes it easier for everyone to change what appears on a webpage with only a click of a button. I find wikis to be a site that I would want to use in the future, because it really does seem helpful.

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