Love for Labels

As I read this article I gained a understanding of music labels in the music industry. As the article points out music labels are supposedly in trouble. The supposed middle man is being cut out of the picture as the digital era is upon us. Due to such problems many people who depend on such work in the music industry are not gaining income of any sort. As time passes people would rather not spend money on music that they can get for free. As people start thinking this way albums are being bought less and less and it has become a problem with record labels. As this is happening artists are seeing that they really dont need a record company they can do it on their own. When i was in high school i would realize that most of my classmates would listen to music on a daily basis. At that point i was wondering if they were actually purchasing these songs or just downloading them. It was not surprising that they were not. I could see that due to this artists and labels are not making the money that they wanted to make by selling their albums.

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