Research Journal Blog Post

The UC Berkeley link titled Evaluating Web Pages: Techniques to Apply & Questions to ask focus on how to detect important information about various types of web sites through the use of 5 common steps that were listed in the guide. I believe and agree with the methodology that the library of university of Berkley choose to focus upon. For instance some of the steps included observing the URL of a website, the ISP, the domain. Some of the other important information is the scanning process, the quick eye scanning process in which you as a reader will simply try to grasp the main remarks that were posted in the beginning top of the page and the end of the page. It’s always good to be able to ask and become interested about the page and its origin. I have used this technique in order to scout good reference website links for my research project. I searched the web and the libraries website as well. I found many decoy websites that seemed to be at a first glance appropriate and descent to be used for my research but than after a good and deep observation I came to a conclusion that these websites were inappropriate and will not be used in the research process of building up content or base for my research.



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