Blog post concerning the Digital Age by Pavlik, j.

The Digital Age by Pavlik, j. had very simply talked about the shift of ethnology through time that varies with the passing of decades and decades of history. For instance the advent of photography in the newspaper market in approximate 1839 made the newspaper publish its edition very easily and use its technologies in a different way completely. The word daguerreotype was used to define this early form of photography. Later on with the advances of technologies a new from of news writing emerged in journalism named inverted pyramid, in which the most important facts were put in the case. This was done just if   as a backup in which the needed telegraph has failed to reached or to be sent to the destination at hand. An integrating charter that effected the digital age was guglielmo Marconi, which invented the wireless radio and the basis of the radio mechanics. Along side all of these inventions and progression of technology, in the mid 1990 time Warner which was considered a bigUSA. Media organization had invested in to new media development of technologies such as the investment of millions of dollars of time Warner in the full services network inColorado. In addition to the rise of the world wide web(WWW) that had a strong change and effect of how technology evolved and will be used in the future. With all of this said I could say that new technologies presented positive effects on our culture society and people as well on the other hand these new wonderful technologies I think had presented negative effects as well, such as the effects on media and journalism.

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