Cofee House Post

After reading “Back to the coffee house” I was surprised to find out that much of how we received our information on a daily basis has changed from being word of mouth to being presented in a digital medium. Another thing that intrigued me was that the need for human interaction is practically non existent anymore, for every 5 minutes someone posts a status up on a social networking site such as Facebook or Twitter which in turn becomes one the major if not the major way we obtain information today as a whole. I think this is all well and good because the internet makes acquiring news “more participatory, social, diverse and partisan” which increases productivity 10 fold if not 100 fold. In the end I still believe that people need some type of facetime with one another because in my opinion nothing trumps an elaborate face to face conversation with an individual because it adds a certain depth to the information acquired and facilitates memory retention.

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One Response to Cofee House Post

  1. hela says:

    The article”Back to the Coffee house” explains how mass media in the digital age is returning to the times when people use to gather in taverns and discuss the news. I feel that this leads to some biased journalism. You can not on all the information in the internet . People might give false information in order to justify their cause or agenda. The might appeal to one group of people instead of being neutral. I feel that the media age is not a true “back coffee house”. In the old coffee houses you actually saw the person reporting the news. You could ask them further questions about how the obtained this information and from whom. I feel that it was more personal than any random person posting on the internet. I feel that is much nicer spending time with people over coffee discussing issues than just posting it on the internet.

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