Monthly Archives: May 2012

The Importance of Documentation

In this article, “The Importance of Documentation,” the author Irene Edges explains how making a documentation is helpful for students to learn. Her questions about the journals in her hardware and networking courses can apply to make our documentation projects. … Continue reading

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How Search Engines Work

In the article, “How Search Engines Work,” the author, Andrew Leibman explains the mechanism of the search engines. I think it is difficult to find the people they have not experienced using any search engines during using the internet. Most … Continue reading

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Research journal blog #4

With the professor’s advice about my draft, I made some changes in my research paper. I added about Sound Scraper that was the website making enable to download the music file of streaming media including SoundCloud. It helped to mention … Continue reading

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Research journal blog #3

After the annotated bibliography, I started writing my draft. Because of the annotation having summary of  each information source in the annotated bibliography, actual writing was much easier than creating proposal. There was only process to organize the idea with … Continue reading

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Research journal blog #2

After I wrote the new revised proposal with new main theme, copyright infringement in SoundCloud, I started to look up the information source to support my idea. Finding the scholarly sources was the most difficult for me because there were … Continue reading

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Research journal blog #1

I came up with the idea to write my research paper about SoundCloud because it was interested for me to know why the company is growing so much faster than any other service.  However, my proposal was too broad topic … Continue reading

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Badke Ch.9

In Chapter 9 of Research Strategies, Organizing Your Resources to Write your Paper, the author, William Badke suggests to make our own index to organize the information source to write better research paper. At first, to get the material, asking the … Continue reading

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Common Craft web search strategies video

I must say whenever I have another research paper to do, I know I would want to see this video again in order to help me out, in searching for resources or information. This video went straight to the point; … Continue reading

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Badke, Chapter 5

Library Catalogs and Journal Databases is a chapter that will be helpful to everyone, especially when using the library. Library catalogs organize and make it easier for people to search for books. When searching for a library catalog you are … Continue reading

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Critically analyzing information sources (Cornell)

Analyzing information isn’t really easy, but I guess maybe it is. As cornell explains and shows us how to analyze information to determine whether or not it is a usefulness source to have in one’s paper. Basically what they say … Continue reading

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