The future in the information age

Ricardo Guzman

Dr. Beilin Ian

Research & Documentation for the Information Age

20 of May 2012

The future in the information age


 The future in the information age and technology has more question than ever before. You have two kinds of users. One group loves technology and others that hates technology. But no matter which side you are on the information age is out of the bottle. And we can either embrace it or not. I want to quote what Bill Gates Stated in a 98 Stanford news release.

“We are really just at the beginning of the information age. The thing that is going to separate the successful organizations from unsuccessful ones will be the way that they deal with information: the way that they make decisions, the way they use the tools of the information age to help them design products, communicate with customers and do all the things that are crucial in a business of any kind.”

 Information is very important to the tech world and businesses around the world that depend on information and technology which delivers the information. There are many organizations that are reevaluating how they conduct themselves in accordance with the cutting-edge technology, they are restructuring their businesses and departments in accordance to how information is collected and distributed. Only the organizations that are design to change quickly, without being chained to yesterday’s attitude will endure. 

I recently went to the movies with my nephew, and we watched Avengers. Through my observation in the 3-D theater, I notice that the arts of theater and technology reflected the human psyche way into the vast future. That is that the audience celebrated when evil was defeated, I am blessed for living in a world where virtue is given a standing ovation. The future is bright for us in the wisdom of history, because we have the information towards

Finally I feel that information and technology is ultimately how the end user uses that source. Technology and Information is a weapon that may be used for good or can be used for evil. Humanity will prevail, because movies and the arts reflect what we really want deep down inside.  So enjoy and  saver the movement, of moving forward enjoy the future.

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