Research Blog Post 2

So now that I have my research topic I see that there is not much I can find to help me out with my assignment. I implemented the tools I have learned in class and the ones i learned from reading Badke. But to no avail I have to change my research topic. I read many articles about open source and find out that there are to sides to the argument as to whether open source systems are better or worse than propriatary ones. I will now write my research paper on the these arguments to better understand the position both sides are on.

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One Response to Research Blog Post 2

  1. I could understand what was happening to you because i had the same problem. It seems when it comes to the task of looking for information some topics do not have enough. As i looked up copyright information most sources did not have much information for me to go on. As you put it you found both sides of the argument which is a major part of a research paper.Sometimes looking for a different topic is better then staying on one that does not provide what you need

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