Online Privacy Patrick Marshall Response

When we socialized on social networks, there is no guarantee that all your information will be kept private. Marshall brings up important things that Advertisers are doing to get us to buy their products, They’re tracking our whereabout upon the world wide web and our purchases. They’re even selling the information that they gather about us to third parties for there own profits. Just imagine all that interesting advertisement popping up on your facebook page, in your emails, and mailboxes, The advertisers know thats what you want to see, so therefore shower you with information to sway you into visiting their sites and buying.

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One Response to Online Privacy Patrick Marshall Response

  1. yanira says:

    It’s very interesting though because Facebook is doing the same thing, with their applications. Applications on Facebook especially games ask us first to allow them to gather information that we have on Facebook before even starting to play the game. They sell and share our information to different companies and advertisers. And it is true social networks aren’t 100% that anything written will be kept in private, which relates to if privacy even exists another.

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