How search engine works

I found Liddy article “How a search engine works” a useful tool for searching on the internet and intranet. This article and Badke chapter 3 helped me search for my research topic. I used quotation to define a term so the search engine will give me better results. I search “privacy” in quotation. I also used deleting stop words such as “and”. This gave me better results because the search engines don’t have to process so many extra words. For example if I was to put “privacy and government” all three terms must be included in the search which would take a longer time to process. I also didn’t use suffixes or “term stemming” which also yields better results. I used some of these tools for my research project which were very helpful to me. I feel that in the article by Liddy could have given better examples of ideas. Badke was more clear and gave examples. Liddy article was a bit too dry and it was difficult to visualize how to use each processor.

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2 Responses to How search engine works

  1. narumi says:

    Using quotation marks for searching specific word is really helpful for me, too. Even though search engines are useful, there are too much information to handle with. Like you pointed out, they suggest us the unnecessary information without quotation mark. In my experience, when I tried to find copyright infringement, search engine resulted too many information web pages there are several sentences including the word copyright and infringement. I learned a lot from Badke’s ch3 and the article. I agree with you.

  2. yanira says:

    I really agree with what you guys are saying. Quotation marks do make a difference and are really useful especially when we were writing the research paper. In my case which my topic was about Facebook privacy I had to make sure I put quotations around it because if not I would end up getting wrong information or something that wasn’t related to my topic. I think this is something we should all keep in mind especially in search engines.

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