
I found the Dye article on Folksonomy very informative. Folksonomy is used to identify content and label them on the web. Labeling a Folksonomy is called a tag.  A user is able to put images and tag them and present this information to the public.  Folksonomy is less structured than taxonomy. Taxonomy is mainly used in the library of Congress.

Folksonomy has become a major marketing device to learn the likes and dislikes of consumers. Folksonomy can be used in libraries to tag certain books readers enjoy reading. These tags can help to identify other books readers might like in the library. Folksonomy is very useful in marketing new products that consumers on the web would enjoy. The more people post tags the better companies can learn what are the consumers interests and develop products that will sell. I feel that Folksonomy will be very useful in marketing products. The gathering of people’s opinions of a books can be very profitable. According to Dye Folksonomy is a new concept. I feel like it will change the way products will be produced to the public.  I feel with the gathering of ideas and concepts it will create better things.

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