Example of Process Documentation

The example that I found of a process documentation was a video that is based on documenting a crime scene. It shows the procedure of the general procedure of examining a crime scene. How first, they must isolate it and secure it before they do anything else because that way everything stays in place making sure that no one tries to destroy any evidence. They also put tape around the scene so that it shows to the public that the crime scene is isolated and secure. In order to document the crime scene pictures are taking, note-taking is being done as well and also sketching because the documentation is brought to court later on. I really did like the way the documentation was put because not only was it a video but below the video they had it actually written down. So if you didn’t catch something you can always read it. Another thing that I enjoyed about it was the it was really organized and it was simply to understand; also having different sections of documenting a crime scene.

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