Critically analyzing information sources (Cornell)

Analyzing information isn’t really easy, but I guess maybe it is. As cornell explains and shows us how to analyze information to determine whether or not it is a usefulness source to have in one’s paper. Basically what they say is that the first thing one should do is to look at the bibliographic citation which contains three parts to it: author, title and publication information. Looking up the author is very important because it says a lot about the person that wrote it and it does show wether or not the information that the person wrote is appropriate and relevant. The date of publication is also useful because when one is writing a paper one would want something that is written recently then compared to something that has been written maybe 20 years ago; information has to be updated and things do change time to time. Analyzing can just make it even easier to write a well proper paper.

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One Response to Critically analyzing information sources (Cornell)

  1. narumi says:

    I agree with your idea. Handling with the information source is important before writing papers. In my personal experience, making annotated bibliography was really helpful. Because we needed to make the summary of each information source, we could know well about the source. Also, the suggestion you pointed out, checking the authors is really helpful to identify if his or her works are trustworthy sources or not. Before starting to write actual paper, researching well and preparing is the most important.

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