Common Craft blogs and wikis videos response

Having the power to share news and information is a beautiful thing. Writing about what interests you, can also be of interest with thousands of other bloggers and readers. With your blogs, you’re opening up many discussions that you’re personally drawn to instead of the basic news article that just professional and doesn’t  connect with you personally. Blogs are for you to express your own ideas and discuss them with fellow bloggers and  readers.

Wikis is a simple yet complex website that helps to organize and coordinate information amongst a group of people instead of using emails(which can be disorganized). Common Craft’s camping trip example was an excellent way to demonstrate how to use these websites. Using one page to organize a group’s ideas is less confusing and time consuming(having to search for each email being sent to you can be a hassle), and Wikis helps to make life easier for you and your group’s information to be in one place.

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