Common Craft blogs and wikis videos

I found the wikis video to be very informative.  Wikis was created to organize group thoughts and ideas. Email was not an efficient way of coordinating a groups ideas.  The edit and save button on wikis helps cut down the endless emails and clutter. Wikis is more structured and organized. If one wants to organize events it is easy to create wikis.

Harrington and Meade comment how the new web culture might create a negative effect on literature. Technology is expensive and within a year most technology is free. Harrington and Meade state the quality of literature might suffer because of the demand cost of new technology. I feel that technology is essential however publishing companies must come up with a way to limit spending on costly new technology. I feel with the advancement of technology the less publishing companies need many employees working for them.  Maybe that might be a way to limit the expense of technology.


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