Monthly Archives: April 2012

Blog Post: Documentation Dilemmas by Christine Rohinson

The concept of what is documentation is explained in this article. Questions such as what is this process were answered in the original article but I will show the ideas of this article once more in my response. According to … Continue reading

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Blog post: WRITE IT DOWN! The Importance of Documentation

I have read this article 3 times already. The fascinating fact about it, is that every time that I read this article I received a new prospective of what is the importance of documentation. After reading the article I came … Continue reading

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Process Documentation

The example of process documentation that I saw was a youtube video of artist Ron Ridgeway creating an art piece called “Accidental Deliberation” It is a piece made of the wheel imprint of a tractor  on dirt. It starts with him in the … Continue reading

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Important article from the Guardian

You should all check out this article from today’s Guardian newspaper. It’s about the current threats to internet freedom, as seen by Sergey Brin, one of the co-founders of Google. The article touches on many of the points we have … Continue reading

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Beware of the simple trap

The online privacy is a major issue now days. The E-commerce scored $145 billion in 2009 according to the U.S. Commerce Department. The reason behind any crime is always for the money. Many people do take profit from identity theft, … Continue reading

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Reading Response Blog Post- process documentation example

My process documentation example is related to the answer that I have formulated cornering the question that I have created to encapsulate my path to the reseach project that we were assigned. My reseach question was how to secure our … Continue reading

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Reading Response Blog Post

In chapter 9 of the Badke book named Research strategies (third edition) the idea of organizing your resources to write your paper is extended to the reader. When I was reading the assigned chapter I liked the concept of having … Continue reading

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Research Journal Blog Post-T.Y.

When any academic individual  is preparing to write a research paper he needs to focus on research writing skill as Badke stated in his book specifically in chapter 10.The idea that an outline, a research question and organized headings are … Continue reading

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Reminder – Research Paper Draft is Due April 16!

Remember that your research paper drafts are due in class on April 16! Be sure to take a look at the research paper draft assignment under the assignments tab above! – Prof. Beilin

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Rationale for Documentation and Citation

The rationale behind documentation and citation is that if you document information then you will have it organized and cataloged in a specific way so you can easy refer to it and find it at the appropriate time with relative … Continue reading

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