Blog post: WRITE IT DOWN! The Importance of Documentation

I have read this article 3 times already. The fascinating fact about it, is that every time that I read this article I received a new prospective of what is the importance of documentation. After reading the article I came about the concept that documentation is a way of organization. This statement means that with out strict documentation the organization will have a very high probability to disassemble from organized to a non organized act of complying data. In addition the act of documentation is n need in order to teach the future employees of any industry how to learn and adopt certain set of skills that is not available to be taught in a verbal format. As in the famous example that I have motioned in class, a good example of the documentation process is a guide that will contain specific steps of operation. Guides are self expletory and this is the idea that the documentation process is based upon, the free access of information that is self explanatory and that is legally abiding to the companies polices.

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