Beware of the simple trap

The online privacy is a major issue now days. The E-commerce scored $145 billion in 2009 according to the U.S. Commerce Department. The reason behind any crime is always for the money. Many people do take profit from identity theft, and credit card theft. One thing we should really becareful with is those online advertisment. The simple trick is that it always give you something small, like coupons. But, you have to register to get it, this trick seems always working. You give your personal information to the website, and the website give you a coupon for your information. But, this is where the problem come from. Do we really know why they need our information? Do we know what they do with our information? I think the answer is definite NO. We should really take notice to these small details, because it can grow into big trouble which we don’t want in our life.

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