Library of Congress Classification (Catalog)

The Library of Congress Classification is what I believe to be an extremely useful and efficient way of sifting through meta data to arrive at an given search result in a fairly quick manner, by organizing authors names and  titles of books by a specific numeric sequence searches can be conducted in a swift manner thus increasing the rate at which people can begin getting informed. I also agree with What Badke statement in that “the more effort database producers take to develop metadata, the better chance that the user will find what he/she actually wants to find.” I hope the Library of congress continues to update their classification of literary information to better help us obtain the information we need in a quick and adequate manner.

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One Response to Library of Congress Classification (Catalog)

  1. Yaoling Zhu says:

    I strongly agree with you, it is also helpful to my research paper. In fact that every libraries in the states classify their database according to classification of the library of congress make the whole system unified and easy to retrieve data. I believe that so many people have put countless hours of work into the classification precedure. I am greatful that the whole system make our life much easier.

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