Research Paper Outline

Tomer Yakov

LIB 1201{3930}

Proffesor Ian Beilin


Research Paper Outline

My research question is related to the question of how to secure our medical information in mobile health-care communication systems. Medical privacy laws are very important to all members of society wheatear its patients regarding the medical field and ending with the financial field. I will try to research concerning what is the meaning of these laws, what do they mean and what are the rights of patients pertaining to confidentiality and medical privacy laws. The background of this topic is extremely interesting. Well we had many laws that are related to patient privacy and confidently. The key in this research is relating to laws that are constricted to mobile electronic health records and information, which was not, addressed until the last decade. One of these acts was the (HIPAA) act that Congress enacted. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in 1996 to limit the ability of an employer to deny health insurance coverage to employees with preexisting medical conditions (Flores, 2005). In addition other similar laws that came about slowly but surly were related to the application of information and communication technology (ICT) in health-care delivery

Systems, some of the problems faced were the incorrect recording of diagnoses, unavailability of patient information, delays in accessing the information, space limitations for record-keeping and insufficient personnel for patient monitoring (Adesina, 2011). To conclude mainly many historical advances had been approached with time to deal with this problematic matter of medical privacy and security .early attempts of security were seen in HIPPA and the information care technology network securities.

My second argument concerning this topic is that the entre infra structure of this system is unsafe and not secure enough and so the system and their administrators needed to be on the watch all the time. “The sensitivity of health-care information is extremely fragile and opened to all. The privacy, of a patient’s data is a key factor to be considered in the transfer of patients medical records in various ways such a physical and electronic (Februarie, 2011).  As well some see that the entire basis for ehalth mobile security is not needed because the network the physicians are accessing the information is secure and stable (Februarie, 2011). 

My third argument concerning this topic is what medical law security is and what the real emphasis behind it is. According to medical security is and I quote” It is a Law concerning medical security and privacy rules and procedures for simplifying the administration of healthcare billing and automating the transfer of healthcare”. I do believe that with out the concept of medical security is not possible to create the HIPPA the PACS security and regulation that are instilled today (Watson, 2001).

To conclude the answer for this question is still under investigation and further research will be needed to acquire this information, what I have understood until now is that there are safe guards that were instilled in order to stop any lack or misuse of patient Information both on PACS and any other mobile devices.



Work Cited

 1) Adesina , O, Ademola.  “Ensuring the security and privacy of information in mobile health-care communication systems”. South African journal of science. Vol 107, No 9/10 (2011).

 The privacy, integrity and confidentiality of a patient’s data are key factors to be considered in the transmission of medical information for use by authorized health-care personnel. Mobile communication has enabled medical consultancy, treatment, drug administration and the provision of laboratory results to take place outside the hospital. With the implementation of electronic patient records and the Internet and Intranets, medical information sharing amongst relevant health-care providers was made possible. in addition acceptance of the Internet as a tool by health-care providers has not only enabled a transformation from paper-based records to electronic patient records  but has also facilitated the use of sensor networks for remote patient monitoring, which allows for easy accessibility of medical information by health-care practitioners.

 2) Februarie, Ronald. “Ensuring the security and privacy of information in mobile health-care”. South African Journal of Science; Sep/Oct2011, Vol. 107 Issue 9/10, p26-32.

 The sensitivity of health-care information is extremely fragile and opened to all. The privacy, of a patient’s data is a key factor to be considered in the transfer of patients medical records in various ways such a physics’ and electronic. Mobile communication has enabled many medical advances such as, electronic patient records and the Internet records online. Most important issue is the following, the method in which information sharing is used by


3)Flores, a, Joe.” HIPAA: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSES”. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing; 2005, Vol. 10 Issue 2, p131-147, 17p.

 The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 protect private medical information. Most people are understandably clueless about it. Well HIPAA actually ordered the Department of Health and Human Services to create standards for the protection of electronically stored and submitted personal health care information. Those standards limit the use and dissemination of personal data. It forced to create a system for electronic information and to create security laws and agencies to follow all of these activities.


 4) Goggle. Privacy Policy. Policy and procedures. Online resource.

We collect information to provide better services to all of our users – from figuring out basic stuff like which language you speak, to more complex things like which ads you’ll find most useful or the people who matter most to you online. We may collect device-specific information (such as your hardware model, operating system version, unique device identifiers, and mobile network information including phone number). Google may associate your device identifiers or phone number with your Google Account.


 5) Shelby, Watson  Quantia.” New York State Privacy Laws Regarding Medical Information”

 It is a Law concerning medical security and privacy rules and procedures for simplifying the administration of healthcare billing and automating the transfer of healthcare. In addition holds the basis of a HIPAA is a federal act helping to set a national standard for protecting the security and integrity of medical records when they are kept in electronic form.


 6) Solomont, E.B.” Hospitals are Getting ‘Smart’ About Patient Data”. New Yorkthe sun newspaper. June 30th 2008.

 InMount SinaiMedicalCenterthey are capable to carry their medical records in their wallets,. I mean the patients have special cards the hold all their information action, thanks to the new “smart” identification cards the hospital is distributing. Each one of these cards, which is the size of simple credit card, it will have a digital image of the patient and will hold a computer chip that is will hold on it 33 pages of data relating to the individual patients.

 7) Waters Jennifer.” Why ID Thieves Love Social Media “. The Wall Street journal. March 25th 2012.

 Smart phones are minicomputers that store vast quantities of personal information, yet many users don’t protect their smart phones the way they do laptops and PCs. Fact is that “LinkedIn, a site most users consider more “business” than “social,” had the highest identity-fraud incident rate, at 10%, versus 5% for the general population, the Javelin study found”. Well sharing information of viewing information is especially dangers on Smartphone’s or any other phones that holds an internet connection.








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