How to make it big on Flickr

I agree with some of the statements that were made concerning how to make your self famous in flicker or any other blog online. The only thing that is a little bit out of the boundary for my opinion is the fact that this type of an activity is considered dangerous because, by opening your self and your personal life to the public via the use of social websites and blogs, you can be seen as a target for many instances of the population, according to the article, the terminology named “Self Pimping:” is basically seen in blogs and social websites. This means that you as a user will comment and favorite your own published content. You will the force that will be publicizing and spreading your own content. Flicker and web 2.0 all connect to the idea of “folksonomy”, which states that this is a classification system derived from user created and based electronic tags and keywords that describe the data on the web.

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