Copyright: Forever Less One Day

In this video an Interesting discussion concerning copyright laws was introduced to us the students. I over heard about the specific details that are surrounding this copy right law , but I never had the chance to explore it fully just as I did right now with watching this wonderful video and reading from various different pieces of literature concerning it. For instance I learned that Statute of Anne was the very first copyright law. Back in the day when congress passed the legislation concerning copyright laws, the rule stood for 28 years of respecting and not coping other authors work. I think that the copyright laws are over exaggerated. I agreed with the first original copyright law of 28 years but I strongly disagree for the lately modified copy right law that was pushed and supported the Walt Disney corporation for more than 70 years plus the authors life  and I quote “First in 1831 from 28 years to 42 years, then again in 1909 to 56 years, in 1976 to the lifetime of the author plus 50 years, and in 1998 to the lifetime of the author plus 70 years”.


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