Monthly Archives: February 2012

Response concerning Wiki and Searching Books at the library video blogs.

Well my first response to this wonderful guide was “amazing technology we have now a days”. The blogs explained all the information that we the students that are admitted in the LIB 1201 SECTION need to know .In addition, I … Continue reading

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            We must acknowledge that the information age is a place and time where there are no boundaries of languages. What is the purpose of the world wide web if there is not a language of a world order. The internet right now is considered to … Continue reading

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Cofee House Post

After reading “Back to the coffee house” I was surprised to find out that much of how we received our information on a daily basis has changed from being word of mouth to being presented in a digital medium. Another … Continue reading

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My first blog post – feel free to comment!

So, here’s some of my thoughts about this week’s readings. Please feel free to expand upon or comment on anything I say here! In chapter 1 of “Research Strategies,” William Badke welcomes us to the ‘information fog.’ The image of … Continue reading

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Welcome again

Welcome to the Openlab site! To create a blog post, go to the dashboard, select ‘posts’ on the left hand side of the screen, and click ”add new.” Be sure to click the blue “Publish” button when you are ready … Continue reading

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