Response to Back to the Coffee House

The article”Back to the Coffee house” shows us how the method of passing news amungst each other is returning to a more one on one feel than just being told the news by reporters. With the creation of social media sites and the speed at which information travels the need to rely only on common methods to get news has vanished. An example of this is the fact that Michael Jackson’s death was tweeted about before any news coverage had the opportunity to report on it. It does lead to inaccuracies but it is at least an alternative. This virtual coffee house allows us to pick what pieces of news we want to hear about and ignore that which we have no interest in. A down side to all this is that the credibility of the source now becomes an issue. Another example of this is the growing trend of death hoaxes on twitter. To compete with this news outlets must reinvent themselves with the times and allow for the public to be a more important part of the news and do away with this “Good old boys” feel they have.

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