Assignment: Do Americans need better protection?

Facebook is really useful to connect with the people, however I sometimes feel like quitting it. The article, Do Americans need better protection? by Patrick Marshall explains the advertisement in Facebook service and the importance of privacy settings. When I click “I like” button some page in Facebook, the advertisement relating with the page appears in my NewsFeed. Also, Facebook suggests me the friends who I may know. The suggestion is really correct even though I don’t know their any contacts. Sometimes, I’m scared about the accurate advertisement and suggestion. I feel my Facebook page is one of the big information about me although I set the privacy setting. In conclusion, I think SNS service is good for connecting with friends, but we should know there are no privacy as long as we are using in the Internet.

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One Response to Assignment: Do Americans need better protection?

  1. hela says:

    After reading the article “Do Americans need better protection” by Patrick Marshall I really do not feel safe using Facebook anymore. A year and half ago I was a victim of identity theft. I no longer put my full birthday on Facebook or post pictures to the public. I hide my list of friends from everyone. I only use facebook to connect mostly with family members abroad. Some of my friends have already quit Facebook because of privacy issues. I really don’t believe that this is a good source of connecting to friends. If a true friend wanted to connect to you they would call you and spend some time with you not just a be a Facebook friend. I really concerned about my privacy when I am using the internet and how others use my information for profit.

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