This week we will be discussing issues in information and media.
You are reading two pieces on the issue of privacy (Marshall and boyd), and one essay on the politics of research (Martin).
For our class discussion tomorrow, think about how you would answer these questions:
1. How do the privacy issues discussed by Marshall and boyd affect you and your own online activities? Did you learn anything from reading these articles that will change what you do? What might you change?
2. What do you think can and/or should be done to insure the privacy of citizens when they are online?
3. What do you think is the purpose of research? Why should we fund research, and who should control the decisions about who gets the funds?
4. Do you agree with Martin’s assertions about how research is done? Do you agree with his solutions?
You can answer these questions in the comments section here if you like, but I want you to be prepared to talk about them in class.