Filter Bubbles

After watching Eli Pariser’s Speech I started to think why are this sites doing this Filter bubbles? Are they hidding something from us? I thought people use the internet to find what they wanted. However, after watching this video i realize that it’s not what we want to see or know, but it is what they want us to see. therefore, we have no freedom or control on the internet. we have three different labtop in my house and when i am doing a research i kind of jump from one to another and sometimes its hard to retreat information i found before. Is filter bubbles responsible for this?. Like i mention before, one computer is for my sister (nursing student), one for my brother (Computer information Sytem student), and one for me (a radiology student). To conclude, i never knew that using different computers could affect the results one gets. Therefore, should I use the same computer or should I keep jumping from one to another when doing a reseach for my major?.

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