The band, Radiohead depended the price of their album on the customers’ choice in the Internet. Someone got it as free and the others payed $10. Because the band left their record label, all the amount of money their album sold went to them. This pay-as-you-wish style was successful for not only the artists, but also Web 2.0 as the new interactive platform in the Internet.
In Serona Elton’s article, “Lover for Labels: Where are the Voices of the Record Companies?” she explains the benefits of the record labels. Record companies are professional for the marketing and using money for advertising their artists. These are big advantages for them. However, nowadays, the Internet has much greater power than before. It is no longer just providing the information. Like Radiohead, the artists can release their works without any struggling contracts with record company. Moreover, they can get the pure profit from their sales which would be spoiled by the label.
In conclusion, the invention of Web 2.0, the connection of the artists and record companies changes a lot. Both of them need to find to use the Internet as a tool efficiently.