
This path will help you improve your analysation skills. Once you entered in this category you will have an option to choose from the following 2 games. Those 2 games are Chess and Aerial Analysis. These games will help you improve your analysation  by helping you analyze and tutoring you before you make your choices.

1. In Chess you will first play a round and then you will watch the recorded match you just had. Here we will have you study all your moves and make you think what you would of done differently. You will also have by your side an expert in chess giving you tips to help you analyze the board before and after you made your move.


2. In Aerial Analysis you will be presented with a picture take from the sky. You will be asked to carefully analyze the picture and to answer as many questions as possible before the time runs out. You will timed in this game. This game will test and improve your ability to analyze while under pressure.



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