
This path will help improve your Vocabulary skills. Similar to the last category, this path also has 2 games for you to choose. These 2 games are Hangman and Wheel of Fortune. The point of these 2 games are to help you expand your vocabulary by helping you learn new words. This will help you have more options for word choices when searching for certain topics.

1. In hangman you will have to find the word randomly chosen from the dictionary. Your goal will be to find the correct word without Hanging the man. You will also have a countdown timer, so try to complete it as fast as possible. As you progress the words will get harder and the timer will decrease.



2. Wheel of Fortune is the special game that lets you earn coins to buy Skill Points. Here you will spin the wheel and the points gathered will only contribute to the amount of what the Skill Point is worth by completing the phrases and words.

Wheel of Fortune Board

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