Important Updates/Syllabus Revisions

We’re nearing the end of the semester! Below are important updates to the syllabus and an outline of the last 5 classes. Makes sure to read, print, and staple to your syllabus.

Monday, April 11:
—Final versions of Project 2 due. These are to be printed, bound for extra credit, and uploaded to our class folder no later than 6pm on Monday.
—We will be discussing Project 3 in class.
—We will be selecting end of semester presentation times in class.
—Due next time we meet (May 2): first draft of Project 3. Refer to project sheet for reference. This will include a digital version of your cover, digital version of your table of contents, and digital version of your new article. Bring files to class and upload to class folder.

Monday, April 18: 
No class! This is a change to the syllabus. 

Monday, April 25:
No class, Spring Break

Monday, May 2: 
—First draft of Project 3 is due. Upload to class folder and bring all files for studio time in class.
—I will have all Project 2 grades for you.

Monday, May 9: 
—Bring in revised version of Project 3. Also bring files for studio time.
—Bring in revised version of Project 2 and any questions you might have before presentations.

Monday, May 16:
—Project 3 is due in class folder.
—Revised version of Project 2 is due in class folder and printed.
—***Presentations begin. This will take the entire class. There will be no in class work time.

Monday, May 23:
—This is our last class! All revised projects are due in class “final projects” folder.
—Presentations continue. This will take the majority of class. We will have some time for any remaining class questions.

What will end of semester presentations look like?
—We will have outside critics come in during the last two weeks of class to critique project 2 and 3. You’ve heard my feedback all semester, now it’s time to get feedback from other professionals as well.

—Each student will have approximately 10 minutes of time. 5 minutes will be for presentations and 5 minutes will be for critiquing.

—You will be presenting your printed and digital version of your magazine. You will have project 3 projected on the screen, and project 2 printed and bound for our critics to look at.

—We will discuss exact presentation requirements in class over the next few weeks.

Written Critique due 3.14.16

Hi class, this is a reminder that you have a written critique due this Monday! The assignment can be found on your syllabus and below.

Look through a variety of magazines and newspaper articles. Select one that you think has made good design decisions. Select one that you think has made poor design decisions. Write one paragraph about each analyzing the design elements and what you think is working or not working.

Make sure to upload to Google Drive before class on Monday.

Using color to create typographic hierarchies

Last night, a few great questions came up about the below poster that was shown as an example of the use of color in typography. Why green? and why did they choose the two Es to connect (when E isn’t a blood type).


It turns out that this poster was part of a campaign and green is a brand color. Other elements of the campaign connect different letters See screen grabs from their website below, and check out their website here.


Screen Shot 2016-02-23 at 5.04.03 PM

What do you think? Is the poster confusing when standing alone without knowing about the rest of the campaign? or does it work well by itself?

All comments welcome!

Please Make This Look Nice: The Graphic Design Process as an Act of Drawing


This would be a great exhibition to check-out. It’s on view from February 19-March 16.

This exhibition looks to expand the general and most basic understanding of graphic design by turning attention away from finished solutions—the “what” of graphic design—to consider the “how” and “why,” focusing on the myriad techniques and methodologies involved in the graphic design process, including writing, traditional drawing, photography, prototyping, assemblage, collage, and collecting.