PHOTO: MONUSCO Job Fair. Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.
Welcome to Business and Professional Communication!
This is the Open Lab Site for COM 3401, where you will find all of the course materials for Business and Professional Communication.
The menu for this site is towards the top, in grey, just below the banner with the view of downtown. Click on links in blue. Here is a table of contents for what the menu items contain.
What’s on the Menu?
- The first thing you should do is read the Syllabus. It contains the most important information in the entire course. Be sure to download and print your own copy and refer to the syllabus often.
- Once you have an idea of how this class will unfold and what is expected of you, its time to get into the readings. The textbook for this class, Business Communication for Success is available for free on the textbook page.
- The Lectures link lets you open my PowerPoint slides, saved as .pdfs.
- After that, we get into the assignments you need to provide to me over the course of the semester. There are instructions for creating your Resumes and Cover Letters.
- Because you need to tailor your resume and cover letter to fit a particular job description, there is a Find a Job link that lets you search for jobs on various websites.
- Final Presentations contains detailed instructions about the semester-long project that culminates in a final speech/ multimedia presentation/ oral examination. You will find links to instructions, a blank outline, a model outline, a grading rubric and citation guides.
- The Article Links page contains news stories and websites to get started on your research for the Final Presentation.
- Other Items is a leftovers page of cool stuff.
- The glossary page (in progress) contains definitions of words we will be using this semester.
The Home link will bring you back here. The links are supposed to open up a new tab in your browser, but in case they don’t, try the “Back” button on your browser.
The Course Profile link will get you to the launch page of the site. To access this site from that launch page, click on link “Visit Course Site” on the upper left of the screen. On the Course Profile page you will see a link to Files at the bottom of the right handed menu. From this Files link you can find all the documents for this site.
Remember your instructor is standing by, awaiting your questions. I’m happy to help!
Professor Lee