View document COM 3401 Sample Syllabus
Description: This syllabus is provided for sample purposes only. For an updated syllabus with correct due dates, see your course instructor.
View document Cover Letter Assignment
Description: This gives you some basic marching orders for your cover letters. Remember to tailor it to the job description.
View document Resume Assignment
Description: This document provides some basic direction for the resumes. You can begin by touching up a resume you already have. In the course of drafting and redrafting, together we will try to polish it up to get more interviews.
View document APA Citation Quick Guide
Description: This contains more information about citation, some of which is covered in the "About Citations" document, but here it is as a handy, quick reference guide. Courtesy of the Owl at Perdue.
View document About Citation: Frequently Asked Questions
Description: This document goes into more detail about how to cite. Read it carefully and don't hesitate to ask questions.
View document Final Presentations (Oral Examination) Assignment with Step by Step Instructions
Description: This document explains the final presentation assignment and provides step-by-step instructions for coming up with a topic; researching; drafting and presenting your final presentation. Please read this carefully and let me know if you have any questions. dlee@citytech.cuny.edu
View document Final Presentation Evaluation Form
Description: This is the form we will be using to evaluate the final presentations. This form is one of the most important documents in the class, because it tells you precisely what criteria I am using to assign grades on the Final Presentations. Remember that the Final Presentation is your oral exam! The evaluation form is divided into three sections: 1) Content 2) Presentation and 3) Outline. Get to know each of these criteria and refer back to them when you are preparing your final presentation. On presentation days, the class will also be using this form to evaluate speakers. Even more important than circling the numbers are comments showing you were following along and the constructive criticism that you offer to the speaker. Please note that students viewing the presentations will not have access to the outlines, so you don't need to complete the second page. However, get to know this criteria as well, because it is what I will be using to to evaluate your outline.
View document Model outline from Dr. Lee for Final Presentations (Topic: Health Communication)
Description: This model outline is intended to give you, the student, clear expectations about what is expected of you for final presentations. Every presentation must have an outline like this one. Notice how I draw on my own experiences and cite only three outside sources, cited in three places. This outline should contain all of the necessary parts required. Use this as a model for organizing your own presentation.
View document Blank (model) outline for final presentation
Description: These are specific instructions for how to structure and organize your speech. Please follow these instructions exactly in order to get a even a passing grade on your Final Presentations (Oral Examinations). An assignment missing ANY of these components will be considered unacceptable.
View document Lecture 7: A model presentation
Description: In this talk I provide a speaking outline, the form of which I want you to follow. Notice all the necessary component parts in the speech, including the intro, body and conclusion; the three sources cited in three places, etc. Then I will give that very presentation. In my talk, notice my conversational or "extemporaneous" style (not read off of a manuscript). Notice the sparse visual aids without too much text, etc. Now its your turn: Follow this model closely for your presentation.
View document Lecture 6: Reframing liabilities as assets
Description: This is a motivational lecture about accentuating the positive. Without distorting the facts of the matter, even those things that we perceive as negative character traits within ourselves can have their upsides. Its a matter of perspective.
View document Lecture 5: More barriers to communication; social networks; resume and cover letter tips
Description: Although authoritarian systems are looked down upon from the point of view of democratic ideals, we all live within various dictatorial regimes. Most of the corporate and bureaucratic universe is organized from the top-down and is stratified, sometimes rigidly. However the alternatives--more lateral, cross connected systems--come with their own issues. Turning to outlines, cover letters and resumes, I emphasize these things: Be specific, give examples, avoid cliches, and "show, don't tell."
View document Lecture 4: Cover letter assignment and attitudes, beliefs and behaviors.
Description: Here we set up some ground rules for the cover letters. Who says they have to be dull? We also investigate chapter 3, and the socially constructed nature of mental categories. The roles of goal setting and value codification in structuring our own ambitions.
View document Lecture 3: Barriers to communication; drafting outlines
Description: The are a number of things that get in the way of effective communication, be they interpersonal, linguistic or institutional barriers. Examples are provided. Then we look at a tried and true model for presenting knowledge: The informative speech.
View document Lecture 2: Models of communication and organizations; disruptive technologies
Description: This lectures goes into more detail about models of communication, from monologic to dialogic. We also look at how communication technologies have the potential to make organizations more 'horizontal'--and how the electronic delivery of information and cultures has done away with venerable businesses and institutions.
View document Lecture 1: What is Communication?
Description: Let's crawl before we can walk. This lecture breaks it down to the basics. What does communication do? What are some conceptions of how people organize organizations?