Communication Design Theory

COMD3504 - Section OL06 - Fall 2020

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Assignment 13 for December 9

It should be perfectly clear by now that final research projects are due on December 9. If any expectations or requirements are unclear, please refer to the posted Guidelines, or if you have any questions regarding topics and research please email me:

As stated, there are 2 items to post before class on the 9th. They are as follows:
(1) a PDF of your presentation. This should be the same document that you will use for your presentation, exported from PowerPoint, InDesign, or whatever program you use to design it.
(2) your bibliography, also saved as a PDF. Remember, in addition to class readings, you must include 10 sources from library databases.

Both of these items can be uploaded to a single Post.

It sounds like we’ll have some very interesting presentations in the next couple of weeks. Please be ready to get them rolling right at 2:30 on the 9th!

Mark Gutiérrez Assignment 4 for September 23

These artists wanted to renew different media or art to focus on its function. Bayer wanted to remove the aesthetics of typography and change the way grammar works to suit the new no serif and no capital letters in his universal typeface. Bayer also thinks that different languages pose a barrier to typography and how we communicate using typography. I think that combining photography and typography is already proving to be effective at communicating a thought or concept. Functionality over form has made new inventions like responsive design. Medias should combine to improve the message that one wants to convey. As Moholy-Nagy said, photography has aid typography in advertisement, the combination of the message in typographic format and the image to further point what this message is about. Language can determine the typography and more, Bayer himself removed “unnecessary” design to fonts and mentioned that the grammar must change to fit this design. He removes capital letters as he deemed it non-essential aspects of fonts and created his universal typeface. The education should bring out the creative side of the artist and remove outside expectations of aesthetic and works that don’t become real live project or apply to their field. Well, the idea of not connecting the students work with real projects is something that most people nowadays would consider them like a waste of time and not productive, as the end goal is to work in a particular field. In today’s age fonts are expected to be readable and legible and so sans serif is a more common, font although fonts still use capital letters.  

Assignment 12 for December 2

Our final reading assignment for the semester will be two short articles, both from Graphic Design Theory. Here are the PDFs:

Jessica Helfand, Dematerialization of Screen Space (2001): Helfand_ScreenSpace

Lev Manovich, Import/Export, or Design Workflow and Contemporary Aesthetics (2008): Manovich_ImportExport

This week’s response will not be a direct response to the readings. Instead, the written portion of this week’s assignment will be to post (1) “sketches” of your poster and (2) a working bibliography.

You can interpret sketches literally and/or loosely; include actual drawings, outlines of material, or brainstorm clouds of related ideas. The bibliography can include relevant assigned readings, but it must also include at least a few outside sources.

Please also remember: we are looking for a handful of volunteers to present on the 2nd. If you are able to assemble your resources and presentation before then, you are encouraged to volunteer. Early presenters will face lower expectations and will be graded with preferential treatment. I will also be happy to provide suggestions, comments or feedback on your work-in-progress.

Please also feel free to email me with any project-related questions that might come up through the week.

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