COMD3504 - Section OL06 - Fall 2020

Author: Angel Diaz (Page 1 of 2)

Diaz Angel Assignment 9

important key terms:









Psuedo truth

Points I don’t completely follow:

The distinction between the literal message and the symbolic message is operational, we never encounter a literal image in its pure state.

by virtue of its absoluteiy analogical nature, seems to constitute a message without a code.

In other words, the denotation of the drawing is less pure than that
of the photograph, for there is no drawing without style.

Only the opposition of the cultural code and the natural non-code can

At all events, the denoted image, to the extent to which it does not imply any code.

Questions I have about the reading:

What is this code that they repeat in the passage and what exactly does it have to do with the photograph and the text in the Ad?

Diaz Angel Assignment 8

Pepsi ad “More than ok” is a nice and interesting way of tackling and pushing their competitor coke out the way. With the use of African-American pop culture music and Spanish culture music as a way to push and beyond the word ok to have a more excited tone.
Gillette “we believe” ad is an ad that in some sense stereotypes the idea of “men” and “boys” along with the use of the phrase “boys will be boys” but it is trying to send a very positive message about how we as the grown men of today, can mold and change the boys and men of tomorrow.
Nikes “LeBron: Beginnings” tries to show how people of color within the sports industries tend to have a hard start, starting from poverty and trying and pushing themselves to get to where they are now as famous sport athletes. That they all had to start somewhere to get where they are today.

Diaz Angel Assignment 7

Media has become a major role in human society ever since the invention of the first light bulb. No matter where you go or even if you stay at home. Media will always be around you somehow. The media has been so engraved in the human life that it is capable of changing how one lives out their lives. Thats how much of a extension to the human race technology advancement along with the media has become apart of us. It has become in a way both a blessing and a curse to how its used, seen and how we react to them.

One of the many positive examples to media and technological progression is the computer, and cell phones of today. Each one has been given access to the internet and it allows many people around the world to connect and have access to vast amount of information but it also gives companies a chance to connect with us as well and attempt at selling their products. As this can work for good reasons, there are big hazards for such advancements like this and that is how much it can effect and change someone without a second thought. When new technology rolls out people must have it, people talk, walk and drive everywhere with phones in their hands. We are so focused on these things that life outside of it can just fly by us and we wouldn’t know. Humans have become nearly reliant to technology for everything and nearly anything in life without knowing. As well as people believing in a vast amount of false information that the media shares though these advancements. This is one of the many risks that come with it.

The roles designers play in this is almost second place more than anything. When new ideas come into view designers are to introduce the idea to the world somehow. Introduce them to grab their attention and give people a reason to want these new things in their lives. What good is a TV if it has nothing to show? What good is a radio if theres nothing to listen to? What good is a video game console if theres nothing to play on it? With every new invention there has to come an artist or designer to show “Why you must have it”. They have to put the consumer in mind but with these new ideas, designers have to get the information out there. That is when the designers creations and information that they want to distribute becomes secondary. The media a designer uses is primary all because without said media, the information they want to show and distribute wouldn’t get out to the world. We provide the info but it’s how we get it out what matters.

Diaz Angel Assignment 4

Art in the past seem to lack personal creativity freedom. People were limited to what they learned and studied about art and design but were never taught the importance of how to create something from your own imagination. instead they learned how to do something in a specific way and continued on with that mind set. A new idea that can lead to new art for the future is how Gropius talks about theory. People just designed things for the sake of looks but never asked why? What is it suppose to do? why does it do that? and if thats what it does, how should it look. The theory behind design can help push art further into a better future.

Art and Language together in art can play a great role together. Where as images can represent a more emotional message with its visual. While Typography can read out the message that the story or image is trying to tell a better with more information than the image alone. Its important for language to play a roles so that it can make art universally understood.

I think when teaching students about art and design. They should always teach traditional and newer styles that exist during that teaching. It can give students plenty of options of how to approach what they work on and how they work on it besides just following on style, their minds can open up a world of combination of styles that they learned and make into something else. maybe start a new combination of styles that most people wouldnt think about. Similar to how we can mix two types of fonts as long as are still eligible and dont ruin the design and look.

what is lacking in art of the past? What sort of new strategies or ideas will lead to a new art for the future?  What role, according to these authors, should typography, photography, and other media play in the new art?  What role should language play in art and design? What should education or “the academy” teach artists about their field? Which of these ideas need to be updated and which continue to hold true in 21st century art and design?

Diaz Angel Assignment 3

In the first article by Marinetti, they seem to envision that the future will and should be fill with many talented artist and designers from around the world. Many who will do what they please and how they please without having to rely on the past of art but instead make their own. Forging their own styles and ideas instead of building off of the old traditional ways of art and design. They seem to believe technology was going to play a big part in the future with how we move on with everything including art. Where it will be the start of something new to leave behind the old traditional styles and instead start a new.

Lissitsky seems to be on board with the idea of technology advancement. They understand that without it, there are plenty of things we wouldn’t have today and around us that wouldn’t exist without such advancements. That the future will constantly moving forward but that we will always learn techniques that are apart of the future but as well apart of the past. They don’t seem to be against technology at all but more for it. Believing that the teachings of both old and new traditions will bring artist and designers together more than the past did.

The Constructivists seem to also envision the future to be filled with technology advancement. They saw the future filled with it to the point where we start to rely on it more than relying on our own. They didn’t seem to be completely against it but instead that they’re against how we as humans are going to rely on it so much to create everything that we used to be able to make with our bare hands and our own skills. From my understanding from all three text they all believed in the same vision of the future and that it was going to be filled with technology and how we are going to use it how ever we wanted to the point that we make some work a lot easier for our lives. The only elements I found problematic is how the Constructivist is against the idea of technology. Even though it is true that it will make work for humans a lot easier in many different ways. It will still take a human mind, and humans skill in art, and the human hand to make those tools that make thing easy for us to make that happen. No matter how far we go into the future we will always have to use some sort of new tool to make art and design with what we were taught in the past and what we learn in the present day.

Angel Diaz 2nd assignment

Language is a form communication that varies differently between different cultures but all or most originated from the same place as well as variations of a specific language exist among those cultures. Like English, Russian, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, sign language and British. These are just small examples of the different languages that exist among mankind. Language is not so different from communication at all as it’s a form communication but just the way we send it is different. With one can be spoken through the sounds we make with out mouths and the other can simply show an image that speaks or tells a thousands words. Its how designers in the field send out messages with universal symbols and colors. Even then the idea of language still plays a huge role in design when more needs to be said through the characters of any other language. Like symbols that we see when going to bathrooms, different money symbols, logos for companies, and more.

These are signs that are created and learned as time passes with all types of language. Over time some do change slightly but will always retain looks that are similar to the old ones so that they are easily recognized by anyone. A good example would be the stop sign. One that is universal and always the same. Another example is the numbering systems that Miller speaks about in his passage. “In the simplest form of tally, one notch is made for each item recorded: to count five sheep, a Shepard might take five scratches on a stick”. This is a form we still use even today on playing cards where we groups symbols on to a surface and its that amount that we see. 5 dots, or 4 clovers on a leaf, 3 lines in the dirt and more. with time these archaic numbering systems updated to just numbers or the roman numerals which started using more simple ideas. (Ex: X=10 V=5 VI=6 IV=4)

Like Saussure pointed out that we can never change or forget our language but only basically update and learn more. Expanding on what exists or altering it to something slightly new. Just how The standard English is different from American english, or how every language has a more broken version of it self called slang. How over time words that would mean one thing can mean more than one thing and all depending on the situation and how its used. (example: Soda and pop. pop is a sound of something popping but also another way to call a carbonate drink.) Languages are always expanding and changing with time and with each new generation to come.

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