The absolute constant in Art will always remain its inconsistency. The never-ending changes, some abrupt, and other expected are the root of Art. Its essence derived from challenges and risks, mankind seeking meaning to its existence. Every generation finds its way to communicate through art, but they don’t all share the same beliefs. Every artistic wave immerses from the discontent of an existing one. Herbert believes we’ve come to appreciate less with time. His prediction of the future entails the death of books that are ultimately replaced by microfilms which will change the design of libraries. 

While Herbert described technology as the decline of all types, Lazslo on the other hand not only embraces technology and states it will play a key role in the advancement of Art. In his view, photography can communicate some emotions better than typography could. The relationship between humans and machines is a very complex one. Cohabitation seems like the best path to adopt but it certainly is not a smooth one.

Evolution is inevitable, whether we choose to adapt or not is one aspect we can control. The skills to adapt to change are simply acquired by repeating the same task or the same technique over time. It’s gained by understanding the true nature of our craft. As Walter Gropius explained, the best artists do not rely on technique and study, but the mastery and the understanding of forms and theory to truly grasp the knowledge of the field.