A lot of the authors hinted that hand-made work would be replaced by machines. Lissitzky used Gutenberg as an example of the new changes brought by technology. Rodchenko was tired of working by hands and new that this age would remove a lot of the manual work thanks to new ways to perform tasks. I’m not sure if some of them were also mentioning that art would change to digital; maybe photoshop? I guess for Marinetti he felt that artists’ work were overlooked and so it was useless and then suggested that they would destroy museums and places where art is often showcased.

Rodchenko kept referring to lines and grid which is pretty much how a lot of softwares are. Grids are essential in design in general. It’s interesting he uses the shape square which to mean refers to the creation of pixel used in every device.

I think that Marinetti would not agree with the rest. They all seem to be focused on art and technology but not on the same page. Lissitzky and Rodchenko mentioned the new age of technology and how it would replace a lot of the old ways of doing things. I think that Marinetti war theme is problematic. He tries to glorify war and also to dislike a lot movements that are often seen as empowering. I think that technology remains the future even now.